6 McFarland BFA: Errbody

Title: Errbody

Medium: Video, Digital Print
Size: Various
Date: Fall 2011
Description: Experimental Typography.  In my goal to further myself as a graphic communicator and make myself more marketable, I wanted to learn a 3d rendering program.  I found the software Cinema4d and taught myself the program for this assignment. For this assignment I took a song and made a type motion video. With my song in hand and vision in mind, I had my buddy from Dirtywurx re-mix "Everybodys Talking at Me" by Harry Nilsson so that I could fully develop this music video.  It is something that is still in progress but the knowledge built from this assignment is unmeasurable.

(double click videos to view in YouTube)
1st Video: first half in higher quality
2nd Video: full length but not good quality
3rd Video: best quality and how its going to look but small clip.